Can I Expound The Skys
Some things that fly there be-
Birds - Hours - the Bumblebee
Of these no Elegy
Some things that stay there be-
Grief - Hills - Eternity -
Nor this behooveth me.
There are that resting, rise
Can I expound the skies?
How still the Riddle lies
Emily Dickinson #89
To “expound” the skies, which means make detail, I chose to show the sky through the view of a window, with my camera detailing the shot. I believe the riddle of this poem is, do the “resting” really “rise.” She is questioning, do the dead really rise and go to heaven. None of this behooves her anyway because there is always the sky. This poem goes along with the last one I did on, “The fact that Heaven is Earth.” Heaven is earth so give the bumble bee and bird their elegy, grieve mountaintop removal and our destructive habits, but look to the skies, stare at it until tears roll down your eyes and you become ONE with it!
In “Meditation The First and Last Freedom” by Osho pg 157 “Enter the Clear Sky’ Meditate on the sky: a summer sky with no clouds.”“To meditate on the sky is beautiful. Just lie down so you forget the earth; just lie down on your back on any ground, and just look at the sky. In this technique that he describes he says, “don’t blink - stare. Even if your eyes start to feel pain and tears come down, don’t be worried. Even those tears will be a part of unloading; they will be helpful. Those tears will make your eyes more innocent and fresh-bathed.” he goes on to describe the technique, “don’t think about the sky. Be the sky. Just stare and move into the sky, and allow the sky to move into you. If you move into the sky, the sky will move into you immediately. When you really feel that you have become one, then you can close your eyes. You will be able to see it within also.
As I am studying this poem and meditation on the sky I just so happened to take out the big recliner that was in my shed.